Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Decade in Review

I got this idea from a favourite blogger of mine. It was great for making me look back and take stock at just how much I have achieved in 10 years and how far I have come.

2000 - Separated from the man I married at the age of 22, that I had been with from the age of 17. I was almost 30 years of age and had changed into a completely different person to the girl I was in 1992. Started a relationship with the love of my life :)
2001 - Turned 30. Bought a unit "alone" and lived alone for the first time in my whole life. Was a huge learning curve but it made me the woman I am today.
2002 - Rob moved in and we started our life together.
2003 - Concentrated on life love and work.
2004 - Rob and I bought a block of land together. Started our TTC (trying to concieve) journey.
2005 - Started building our "dream house with a budget", started ART (artificial reproductive therapy), completed study and attained formal qualifications as a Teacher-Librarian, sold the unit and moved into house. Lost my much loved grandfather. Everybody I know is pregnant!! A tough year emotionally.
2006 - First and last IVF cycle - we concieved Bridget! Rollercoaster!
2007 - Gave birth to Bridget in February. Huge change in our life! Developed really great friendships via Mother's Group.
2008 - Lost a baby early this year. Was the beginning of a mentally challenging time for me. A lot of mixed emotions about it ranging from not wanting a baby at that time and feeling guilt about the relief I felt when I had tried so hard to have Bridget in the first place and how could my body betray me yet also provide me with a gift!!!!!!????? Concieved Elke in October.
2009 - Elke born in July. Feel like my life is filled with everything I want/ need.

How is that for a decade????
My hopes for the next decade. Well I turn 40 next January so my current aim is to look as fabulous as I possibly can for the partay!!! After that, what everybody else hopes for - health and happiness!! So I will be doing things to stay healthy and happy :) Family and friends and time for me.

How was your decade? Have a look back and see just how far you have come!


  1. Thanks K! Your post finally motivated me to get a move on and write on my blog! It is amazing the changes in a decade. Love your post!

  2. Wow - it's quite confronting to look back at your life like this, much less share it. I applaud you!

  3. Look where you've been! A very moving and uplifting post xoxo
